后记 | Afterword

2011年8月14日星期日,下午3点左右,我出去散步。下Tarostrasse,到Strasse des 18。Oktober。当我在德国国家图书馆的拐角转向居里大街时,我遇到了一只狐狸。从我的角度,我可以看到它身体的右侧。
然后它蹲在草丛里,头向左倾斜,又慢慢地向后仰。它闭着眼睛做自己的事。做完它就直起身子,飞快地朝着附近的灌木丛走去。在消失在灌木丛中之前不久,它停了下来,朝我的方向瞥了一眼。它的尾尖发出白光。 2011年8月30日早上,我起床望向窗外。我的房间在8楼,朝南看。大楼前是运动场。右侧是一个室内游泳池和一个小型足球场,毗邻健身房。左边有一个沙坑、一条跑道、另一个更大的足球场和一个乒乓球台。






On Sunday August 14th, 2011 I went for a walk at around 3.00pm. Down Tarostrasse, then Strasse des 18. Oktober. As I was turning the corner of the German National Library veering into Curie- strasse, I came across a fox. From my angle I could see the right side of its body.


The distance between us was rather short. It probably did not notice me or chose to ignore my presence. Its eyes were closed and it was sniffing the stones between the sidewalk and the adja- cent lawn. There was a Do Not Enter sign a couple of feet away on the sidewalk.


Then it squatted in the grass, tilted its head to the left and back again slowly. It kept its eyes closed and did its business. Upon finishing it straightened up and speedily proceeded towards the nearby shrubbery. Shortly before vanishing into the bushes it stopped and glanced in my direction. The tip of its tail was glowing white. On the morning of August 30th, 2011 I got up and looked out the window. My room was on the 8th floor looking south. In front of the building was an athletic field. Located on the right was an indoor swimming pool and a small soccer field, adjacent to a gym. To the left there was a sand pit, a running track, another larger soccer field and a ping pong table.


I spotted a fox on the athletic field, calmly crossing the sand pit and the running track. It stopped right before passing the ping pong table and lifted its head to look at it. Then it went on and left the field.


Ever since then I have frequently been at my window waiting for the fox, but it never appeared again. Slowly but surely I started to observe the ping pong table.


Hayahisa Tomiyasu

Leipzig, August 2016