前言 | Foreword
翻译 by Darren
As Americans we are scarred by the dream of innocence. In our hearts we stillbelieve that the only truly beautiful landscape is an unpeopled one. Unhappily,much in the record of our tenancy of this continent serves to confirm this view. Soto wash our eyes of the depressing evidence we have raced deeper and deeperinto the wilderness, past the last stage-coach stop and the last motel, to see andclaim a section of God's own garden before our fellows arrive to spoil it.Now however we are beginning to realize that there is no wilderness left. Thefact itself is without doubt sad, but the recognition of it is perhaps salutary. As thisrecognition takes a firmer hold on our consciousness, it may become clear that agenerous and accepting attitude toward nature requires that we learn to share theearth not only with ice, dust, mosquitoes, starlings, coyotes, and chicken hawks,but even with other people.
There is considerable evidence to support the view that man is a unique andforeign mutation, an exception, in the otherwise natural and symbiotic life of theplanet. Granted, this evidence has been collected and interpreted by men, whichsuggests that the conclusion might be a perverse sort of bragging. Nevertheless,this view has provided grist for the mills of many of America's most distinguishedartists. The most important of these in terms of recent influence is perhapsThoreau, whose elegantly expressed dyspepsia has convinced many otherwiseintransigent rationalists that man is not in fact a part of nature.
Whatever his failings as a naturalist and a philosopher, Thoreau was a verygreat artist. And, as is well known, the gifts of artists are not really free. Eventhe gifts of very minor artists are not free. Consider this ad from a photographictrade paper:
If for some reason the sky in your transparency is unsuitable,we can, in most instances, substitute a new blue sky and at thesame time remove wires, telephone poles and other objectionableObjects appearing in the sky. Charge for this is $20.00.
Not free, but a bargain surely, and a proposition that contains a very imaginative concept: a system for renewing the landscape at the retoucher's table, costingno inconvenient displacement of the world's serious work.
If this is the best we can manage, we should not scorn it, for our best deservesbetter than easy jokes. On the other hand it is possible that we might do better-that we might achieve a landscape that we would find not only good to look at inpictures, but good to fly over, drive past, walk through, and even live in-onethat might offer the rewards of recognition and remembrance. Such a place wouldbe a natural landscape with people in it.
This we have considered a contradiction in terms. Since we have understoodmen to be dangerous at best, and tolerable in the countryside only at very lowdensities, we have given little serious thought to the proposition that a landscapemight be simultaneously beautiful, natural, and populated by human beings. Wehave instead explored the plausible alternatives.
The most useful of these alternatives has been the idea of segregating theaesthetic and the practical functions of the land. This concept has been pursued inthe United States with vigor, intelligence, and considerable success since theadministration of U. S. Grant. The concept says in essence that certain especiallysplendid parts of the natural landscape should be fenced around, in order to keepthe citizenry out, or to allow them in as transient visitors, under adequateprecautionary controls. This idea has achieved great victories, especially in thecase of lands which lie on the tops of mountains, or in the basins of deserts, or onthe rocky spines of the northern spruce belt, to which areas relatively few of thecitizenry have, until now, demanded permanent access.
For the great past and future gifts of the traditional conservation concept weshould all be profoundly grateful. We should also be vigilant, for the fences areerected by men, who are equally capable of removing them, after exercise of theirbest judgment.
Nevertheless it is probably true that the exemplary value of the great parkswill obtain only as long as there is some recognizable relationship between thelandscape inside the fence and that outside. When this relationship is no longervisible, or remembered, honest men will storm the parks and collect its specimensas exotic souvenirs, as we do the cult objects of forgotten religions.
Thus even to preserve our national parks we must learn to use naturally theland that lies outside their boundaries. It is not likely that we will manage this aslong as we consider ourselves nature's natural enemies. As a step in the rightdirection, we might try to think of ourselves not as rapists of the landscape, but asits clumsy and naive lovers.
In this self-conciliatory spirit, what, if anything, can be said in defense of thesprawling non-towns that suddenly cover so much of what was recently ourbeautiful countryside? It is well known that these recent settlements do notcompare favorably, by any known aesthetic standard, with Positano, for example,or Stockbridge, Mass., or for that matter with any ordinary American farm townbefore World War Il. Nevertheless a man of objectivity, intelligence, and good willmight conceivably find even in this chaff the seeds of new virtues, as yet unlabelled. Or, alternatively, to the degree that the alleged objectivity might really be a traditional Yankee contrariness the other side of the perverse Thoreauviancoin- such a man might actually prefer to discover a suggestion of hope right inthe middle of God's Own Junkyard than in the places where he has been told tolook. We should also keep in mind the artist's close affinity to the magician, andthe pleasure he takes in making silk purses out of sows' ears.
But whether out of a sense of fairness, a taste for argument, or a love of magic,Robert Adams has in this book done a strange and unsettling thing. He has,without actually lying, discovered in these dumb and artless agglomerations ofboring buildings the suggestion of redeeming virtue. He has made them look notbeautiful but important, as the relics of an ancient civilization look important. Hehas even made them look, in an unsparing way, natural.
Adams's pictures describe with precision and fastidious justice some of themortal and venial sins that we have committed against our land in recent decades.The gaggle of plywood ranch houses at the foot of the mountain, fenced in by thetrailer parks, acid neon, and extruded plastic of the highway, is an affront even toour modest expectations. But his pictures also show us that these settlementsexpress human aspirations, and that they are therefore not uninteresting. It isclear also that these places are very casually built, and will therefore acquire character soon enough. Amateur carpenters, willful repairmen, and the fearfulclimate will add a sort of architectural variety. And as Adams says, the sun shineson these works also, even if not quite so brightly as it did.
Adams's pictures are so civilized, temperate, and exact, eschewing hyperbole,theatrical gestures, moral postures, and espressivo effects generally, that someviewers might find them dull. There is probably nothing that can be done aboutthis. It is not even certain that anything should be done about it, since themeasured Attic view of things is not intrinsically better than the romantic. Butother viewers, for whom the shrill rodomontade of conventional conservationdialectics has lost its persuasive power, may find in these pictures nourishment,surprise, instruction, clarification, challenge, and perhaps hope.
Though Robert Adams's book assumes no moral postures, it does have amoral. Its moral is that the landscape is, for us, the place we live. If we have used itbadly, we cannot therefore scorn it, without scorning ourselves. If we haveabused it, broken its health, and erected upon it memorials to our ignorance, it isstill our place, and before we can proceed we must learn to love it. As Job perhapsbegan again by learning to love his ash pit.
Tohn Szarkowski
Director, Department of Photography
The Museum of Modern Art